How to use the BJJ Technique Scrubber
This app is a simple way to see the details of all the best
technique videos you can find on instagram. It allows you to parse
through those videos frame by frame to see exactly how a technique
is performed.
- Use a desktop or laptop
Have a Google/Gmail account. You can create one
Use the Chrome web browser
and sign in with your google account
Install the following
Chrome extension
Have an Instagram account
Use Instagram on your desktop / laptop
- Using the chrome web browser, sign into Chrome, this is required in order to install the chrome extension BJJ Technique Extractor
- Install the Chrome extension and then navigate to Instagram
- Find a technique that you'd like to analyze in detail. It is recommended to choose videos that are short in length. Longer videos will take significantly longer to process. This is a known limitation that is being addressed.
- Right click on the video and in the menu click BJJ Technique Extractor
- You will now need to sign-in with your google account by clicking the sign-in with google button
- Fill out the form and click submit, this will then start the processing of the video. You should see a loading bar.
- When the video is finished processing a new screen should appear with a button to navigate to the site. Separately you can access the site at
- Once on the site you'll need to sign-in in order to see your newly created card (the first time).
- Click "View" on the newly created card on the right hand side in order to load the technique
- You can pause the video by clicking, and then click and drag to move frame by frame through the video
- Alternatively you can use the spacebar and arrow keys to play/pause and then scrub through each frame
- As an example try out this technique video and go through the process listed above!
- Some good accounts to follow for techniques include: jiujitsu_videos, jitsy_kings, and Kent Peter
- If you'd like to edit the name or description you can do so by clicking the edit button. There is also the ability to delete a technique if you wish to.
- Each card has a link to the source, be sure to follow and like the creators of these videos on Instagram!